Frequently Asked Questions

Contact us by phone at 734-800-9705, email at [email protected], or fill out any of the “contact us today” sections.

In most cases, we are considered a “corrective action”. If you are currently not up to date on any or some of your NPDES Industrial permit requirements we immediately begin the work to bring you up to date shortly after signing up with us.

No. In Michigan specifically, the NPDES industrial stormwater permit required the facility to either have someone on-site or have a consultant/ contractor/ third party operator, which is where we come on.

The NPDES industrial stormwater permit requires all documentation to be available dating back to three years. Signing up with us allows for an immediate corrective action to be put in place describing that Clean Stormwater Inc. will be managing the permitting requirements moving forward.

No. Our complete NPDES industrial stormwater program that includes everything is all that we offer.

Our site inspecting personnel follow strict Covid-19 safety measures to keep our clients and themselves safe. Regular hand washing and sanitizing, medical-grade masks are worn, keeping a safe distance from others, electronic correspondence only, and daily device and vehicle sanitization.

We are currently servicing our client’s facilities all over the state of Michigan (including the U.P.) and Ohio. We are currently working on expanding to the surrounding states in the region. Please contact us to find out more.

Yes, we do carry all required Insurances for our line of indutry. These documents can be made for request at any time.

No, We are a privately owned and operated company run with our clients best interest as our priority. We will work with the DEQ, EGLE, or EPA should they make a visit to your site or facility and have any requests or concerns.